Well folks, it's all in the books now. I hope you had a great day, and from some of the feedback I've been getting, that seems to be the case. Everyone that came out to support the 20th LA Marathon did a fantastic job of representing the Ham community. It was truly a pleasure to meet so many new people, and see all of my old friends as well.
Now is a great time to think about the events of the day and take a moment to reflect on what we did well, and what we can do to make it even better next year. If you have any comments, please send them my way. I'll compile your thoughts and put them on the unofficial Marathon web site, as well as forward them on to the Marathon staff. I do reserve the right to edit for duplication or as needed to prevent anyone from being personally identified, unless of course it's glowing praise, which there is sure to be. You all collectively and individually did a great job. I would really like to get your feedback by the end of this week if possible, while it's still fresh.
I hope the experience was enjoyable for all the "newbies", and you join us again next year, and for years to come. I know of at least one person (Jay) that has been a Ham volunteer for each and every one of the twenty-one Marathons. Thank you Jay! You always get compliments from the people that you help support on race day. If there are any others that have been at all twenty-one races please let me know. I don't mean to overlook you and your contribution.
Next year I hope we can get started with sign-ups earlier, so you can expect an email from me reminding you to get online and complete the application. The late entries cause a lot of extra work I would like to avoid. I hope you all have a great summer, and will be looking for you next March. Thank YOU!
73, and all my best!
Greg - KD6AIS
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