Exactly how I feel every
MondayNOT Tuesday after the event.
I hope we get that fixed for next year, as I'm sure some of you do too.Thank YOU for your participation in this year's LA Marathon 2009! You helped make the Los Angeles Marathon a huge success.
You really are the best!
I hope you had fun and have had time to reflect on the day. I am just now feeling back to normal after a very full day of activity. I hope you are too. Everyone that came out to support the LA Marathon did a fantastic job of representing the Ham community. It was truly a pleasure to meet so many new people, and see all of my old friends as well.
I have heard from a few of you and want to give everyone a chance to share their experiences. Before things get lost in the grey matter, please take a few moments and send your comments and observations, good or bad, and I will put them on our unofficial Marathon web site, as well as forward them on to the Marathon staff. I do reserve the right to edit for duplication or as needed to prevent anyone from being personally identified, unless of course its glowing praise, which there is sure to be. You all collectively and individually did a great job. I would really like to get your feedback by the end of this week if possible, while it's still fresh. If you took pictures that you would like to share, I'll post them too
Thank you for your contribution to the Marathon effort! I hope to see (or hear) you again next year.
Greg - KD6AISClick to Email Greg